Community Stories

Life on the deck of Hokule’a, the double-hulled canoe that sails around the world using only ancient wayfinding techniques.

The first-place essay from a youth writing competition we hosted with the nonprofit Write the World.

In northern Chile, a desert is being scourged by the textile industry. But a resilient community is transforming a reality of waste into opportunity.

Simplicity, style and lessons in bike jazz on Eastern Washington’s Beacon Hill.

Louisiana community organizer Roishetta Ozane on her fight to stop the biggest fossil fuel expansion on earth and how mutual aid can play a part.

Our next fight against Big Oil is for basic human rights.

A conversation with Vincent Stanley, Patagonia’s director of philosophy and co-author of The Future of the Responsible Company: What We’ve Learned from Patagonia’s First 50 Years.

Climate and sustainability journalist Yessenia Funes writes to her future child—the one she hopes to have and has been afraid of bringing into our world.

In a small British Columbia mountain town, one woman is using trails to help heal wounds and bridge two communities.

Struggling with a mental health crisis, one woman returns to the waters that raised her and finds healing in the ocean.

These women were forced to flee their homes in Afghanistan. Now the climbing community is helping them build a new one.

Inside Yakutat Surf Club’s budding stoke scene in Southeast Alaska.

Patagonia and Pop-Up Magazine Productions present a series about knowledge.

Patagonia and Pop-Up Magazine Productions present a series about knowledge.

Patagonia and Pop-Up Magazine Productions present a series about knowledge.

A conversation between Lor Sabourin and Madaleine Sorkin.

A former city kid finds answers and empowerment in nature.

The South Pacific has a plastic problem. He had a truck.

The remarkable relationship between Hidetoshi Matsubara and his birds of prey.

When your goal is to raise children in wild places, it helps if you’re flexible.

Shawn Hayes leads a life of devotion. For him, falconry is more than a deep partnership with raptors: it’s his life’s work.

Teresa Baker, Pattie Gonia, José González and Gabaccia Moreno bring a new initiative to the outdoor community.

Out of necessity, Jacqueline Sangueza loved fishing nets before she loved the ocean.

First-generation Vietnamese American Mai Nguyen follows in the footsteps of their agrarian ancestors with a farm that grows numerous types of grains with a no-till, anti-fertilizer regenerative approach.

The story of Naelyn Pike, a 21-year-old Chiricahua Apache, and her fight to keep sacred Apache land from becoming a copper mine.

Cydney Knapp and her husband, Bartek, knew they wanted to raise their kids to love the outdoors, so they learned how to navigate change and embraced the chaos.

Under the gaze of southern Arizona’s cinnamon-hued Canelo Hills, a mother passes along an ancient Puebloan tradition of natural adobe building to her three sons.

How a mother’s own childhood experience on the Appalachian Trail shaped the way she teaches her four children to find nature in the heart of New York City.

Why a logging protest has become Canada’s largest act of civil disobedience.

Rolling Stone called him “the real Indiana Jones.” His new memoir reveals why our friend Rick has always been a great deal more.